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our mission

Evangelizing Unsaved Children
Reaching children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ...
Reaching children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Open Air Evangelism, 5-Day Bible Clubs, Holiday Clubs, and Good News Day Camps

Helping Christian Children Grow In Their Faith
Discipling Christian children to...
Discipling Christian children to know God and love Him through our weekly Good News Clubs, Released Time Classes, After School/In School Good News Clubs, Online review activities, and devotional materials

Teaching Others to Do the Same
Equipping other Christian men and women...
Equipping other Christian men and women to do the same through free teacher training and other resource materials
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Philadelphia County, Inc. is a nondenominational, parachurch ministry with the goal of reaching unsaved children with the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, helping Christian children grow in their faith, channeling unchurched children into Bible believing churches, and training other Christian workers to do the same.

About us
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